Fall FEst, October 7, Noon to 5PM
Author: normajohnsoncenter
as we explore the TuscParks trails. Our staff will offer programming during our hikes in a laid back approach. We welcome families to participate and share during the programs. The programs are set up in a way for families to also fellowship and make connections with other homeschool families in the area. Registration can be found at the eventbrite.com website and searching for TuscParks. Homeschool events are normally released a month in advance of the event. Any questions can be directed to the TuscParks staff at 330.365.3279.
Fall Walkabout dates for 2023 have been added. TuscParks is excited to offer Fall hikes for those interested in hiking in a group along the trails. The type and length of the hike will be dependent upon those who are in attendance. Hiking sticks are optional. Please note date, time and location.
Fort Laurens: September 6, 10AM to Noon, Meet at Fort Laurens picnic shelter
Fort Laurens: 11067 Fort Laurens Rd, NW Bolivar, OH 44612
Norma Johnson Center: October 2, 10AM to Noon, Meet at yellow pole barn, Preservation
Norma Johnson Center 4033 SR 39, NW Dover, OH 44622
Canal Lands Park: November 1, 10AM to Noon, Meet at picnic shelter at Canal Lands
Canal Lands Park: 8645 Dover-Zoar Road Dover, OH 44622
Attending hikers were asked, if Fall Walkabouts would be of interest? The answer was YES. So, we aim to please.
Contact Marsha at 330.365.3279
Come join our staff and enjoy nature while hanging around in your hammock.
Park at the yellow pole barn. We will be setting up hammocks in the pines behind the cottage in the woods. Follow the signs to the event location posted along the trail. Bring your own hammock or a chair. We do have a few extra hammocks if needed. Call the office to register 330.365.3279 or just come to the event.
If you miss this event feel free to hang out along the trails anytime.
Join staff as we explore the different trails of TuscParks. This activity also invites those who have never hiked the trails a chance to go with a staff person so they would feel comfortable in returning.
8:30 – 10:30am
8645 Dover-Zoar rd. dover, OH
canal lands Park
Meet at picnic shelter. This is a Dover address but located outside of Zoar.
2023 Take a Stroll with your Pet at the Norma Johnson Center
TuscParks will be hosting a Summer Dog Day event at the Norma Johnson Center on August 26, 2023 from 9-11AM. Many of our visitors bring their pets with them while taking advantage of the trails at the NJC. We would love to see you at this event. Register from 9-10:30AM and be entered in our door prize give away. Door prizes will be awarded between 10:30 and 11AM. Registration table will be set up near the Conservation Drive Kiosk.
TuscParks, New Philadelphia High School, Ohio EPA and The Ohio State University Extension have put together an event to educate our community about ticks, the diseases they carry, and ways you can prevent tick-borne infections. A panel of experts will help answer questions and share information about these disease spreading arachnids.
On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 starting at 6:00pm at the New Philadelphia High School. Our panel will be presenting and answering questions concerning tick biology, tick ecology, tick prevention, tick safety and the local tick research project.
The panel will consist of Dr. Megan Meuti (OSU Assistant Professor – Department of Entomology), Kip Brady (New Philadelphia High School Tick Research Project leader), Jeffery Burrier (Physician) and the New Philadelphia High School Lyme Disease Research Team (NPHS Science Students).
Informational tables and demonstrations will be offered after our panel discussions for attendees to gather information and see demonstrations of the research project. Karen and Kerry Metzger (personal experience with tick-borne illness), New Philadelphia Health Department (handouts), NPHS Lyme Disease Research Team (demonstrations), TuscParks (handouts), Caitlin Karl (Town and Country Veterinary Clinic), Summit Chemical Company and Sawyer Company (giveaways).
Concern about ticks and tick-borne illness in Tuscarawas County has intensified as the number of cases of human and animal infections rise. Most notable among these illnesses is Lyme disease, which is the most common vector-borne disease in the US, representing over 400,000 human cases each year.
Pre-registration is preferred so handout materials can be prepared. This link will not be active until 3.27.23
To register go to http://go.osu.edu/tuscticks2023
This event will be held at the New Philadelphia High School, 343 Ray Avenue, Front Entrance New Philadelphia, OH 44663.
TuscParks will be hosting “Spruce Up the Trails” on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Norma Johnson Center (Yellow Barn – 4033 SR 39, Dover OH 44622). We will be doing general spring cleaning along the trails by collecting litter, cleaning up fallen branches, etc. TuscParks will provide basic hand tools, but volunteers are welcome to bring their own.
Groups and organizations interested in helping year-round should contact TuscParks about our Adopt-a-Trail program.
“Volunteers make a huge difference,” says Marsha Freeland. “The Norma Johnson Center always need sprucing up after the winter months and it is so helpful to have community members help with this effort.”
This event will be held rain-or-shine, but will be cancelled in the event of severe weather. All volunteers must sign a volunteer waiver form. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Please check with the TuscParks or the Norma Johnson Center Facebook page for updates or call TuscParks at 330-365-3279 for more information.
Mail in Registration…
https://www.co.tuscarawas.oh.us/park-news-and-events/ to download a PDF of 5K flyer.
These young ladies pictured above have been coming to the Winter Hike for many years. Making memories!